Home Real Estate News October 2021 Existing-Home Sales Rise Modestly

October 2021 Existing-Home Sales Rise Modestly

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NAR launched a abstract of existing-home gross sales information displaying that housing market exercise this October inclined 0.8% from September 2021. October’s existing-home gross sales reached a 6.34 million seasonally adjusted annual fee. October’s gross sales of current properties declined 5.8% from October 2020.

Line graph: U.S. Existing-Home Sales, October 2020 to October 2021

The nationwide median existing-home worth for all housing varieties rose to $353,900 in October, up 13.1% from a 12 months in the past. House costs have continued to rise, and this marks the 117th consecutive month of year-over-year features.

Bar graph: U.S. and Regional Median Sales Price of Existing-Home Sales, October 2021 and October 2020

Regionally, all 4 areas confirmed robust worth development from a 12 months in the past. The South had the most important achieve of 16.1% adopted by the Midwest with an incline of seven.8%. The West confirmed a rise of seven.7% and the Northeast had the smallest worth achieve of 6.4% from October 2020.

October’s stock declined 0.8% from final month, standing at 1.25 million properties on the market, falling for the second consecutive month. In contrast with October of 2020, stock ranges are 12.0% decrease. This is able to mark 29 straight months of year-over-year declines. It’ll take 2.4 months to maneuver the present stage of stock on the present gross sales tempo, properly under the specified tempo of 6 months.

Demand stays robust as dwelling consumers are snatching listings shortly off the MLS, and it takes roughly 18 days for a house to go from itemizing to a contract within the present housing market. A 12 months in the past, it took 21 days.

Bar graph: Inventory, October 2020 to October 2021

From a 12 months in the past, all 4 areas had declines in gross sales, besides the South the place gross sales have been flat. The Northeast had the largest dip of 8.3%, adopted by the West, which fell 3.0%. The Midwest had the smallest decline in gross sales of two.7%.

From September of 2021, three of the 4 areas confirmed will increase in gross sales. The West area had no change in gross sales. The Midwest area had the most important incline of 4.2%, adopted by the South with the smallest achieve of 0.4%.

The South led all areas in share of nationwide gross sales, accounting for 43.8% of the entire, whereas the Northeast had the smallest share at 11.8%.

Bar graph: Regional Existing-Home Sales and Year-Over-Year Percent Change, October 2021 and October 2020

In October, single-family gross sales elevated 1.3% and condominiums gross sales have been down 2.9% in comparison with final month. Single-family dwelling gross sales have been down 5.8% whereas condominium gross sales have been down 5.6% in comparison with a 12 months in the past. The median gross sales worth of single-family properties rose to 13.5% at $360,800 from October 2020, whereas the median gross sales worth of condominiums rose 8.7% at $296,700.

Line graph: Single-family vs. Condo Sales Month-Over-Month Percent Change, February 2019 to October 2021
Line graph: Single-family vs. Condo Price Year-Over-Year Percent Change, January 2019 to September 2021

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