Home Haiti News Worshippers hold service in courtyard after earthquake destroys church, killing girl

Worshippers hold service in courtyard after earthquake destroys church, killing girl

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Worshipers at Église de Dieu in Levine — a neighborhood in Maniche, Haiti — maintain a prayer service within the church’s courtyard early Sunday, Aug. 15, 9 days after the 7.2 earthquake hit the south of Haiti. A seven-year-old lady died when a wall of the church toppled onto her whereas she was fleeing for security.

“It was a tragic loss of life,” stated Pastor Garry François standing on the website of the destroyed church. “All of the church buildings and homes in Lévine, Maniche have been destroyed. I’ve to do the service exterior.”

Interview with Pastor Garry François

Maniche is a village within the Maniche commune of the Les Cayes rural space within the South Division of Haiti. 

The quake struck at 8:29 a.m. ET on Aug. 14, about 5 miles from the city of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes in Haiti’s southwest peninsula and 78 miles west of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. Shocks have been felt as far-off as 200 miles in Jamaica, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Samuel Celiné is a Haitian Instances correspondent in Haiti overlaying politics and social occasions. He joined the workforce in July 2021 after working for the web information publication Ayibopost following his time on the Port-au-Prince every day, Le Nouvelliste. He IS ALSO a radio Journalist. Poet in his soul, Celiné loves journalism and has a ardour for investigative reporting. Samuel Celiné could be reached at smlceline@gmail.com

Extra by Samuel Celine

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